VielightThe Vielight NASAL APPLICATOR stand-alone unit. You can choose the 633 red ("systemic PBM" for energy, sleep and immunity) for $299 USD or the 810 infrared ("brain" for stimulation of deep pre-frontal brain tissue) for $499 USD, and a 10% discount will be applied with this code: bowler10
The Vielight HELMET for Alzheimer's comes with its own nasal applicator - if you purchase the helmet you do NOT need to buy a nasal applicator as well. For Alzheimer's, choose the Neurogamma 3 helmet (new model for 2022) for $1799 USD, and a 10% discount will be applied with this code: bowler10 Visit Vielight's website here to purchase. |
Coronet Duo
The Coronet Duo is another Australian made red light device, worn a bit like a crown.
It delivers 24 minutes of light: first the red light to “prime” the head, then the near infrared light to follow. It can be used once or twice daily. The cost is $795 USD, and a 5% discount will be applied with this code: BOWLER5 Visit Dr Hamilton’s website here to purchase. |
AuragenThe Auragen is a USA light device, used as shown in this photograph. It has 3 different light settings (red, blue and near-infrared). The cost is $1700 USD PLUS shipping/customs/brokerage/local taxes. Receive a $100 USD off the cost by emailing Jill Brody, (company rep) at
[email protected] and asking her for the Bowler Medical discount. Visit their website here for more information. |
This near-infrared and red light helmet is for Parkinson's treatment and applies the light to the back part of the head.
The price is about $1300 CAD and can be purchased from the SYMBYX website here |