Also called low level laser therapy, or LLLT
Red and near infra-red light are powerful tools for the treatment of a wide variety of conditions. They can make a difference in illnesses like Parkinson’s and Dementia, can treat musculoskeletal chronic pain, as well as being very beneficial for collagen production in skin (anti-aging benefits!) There are over 4000 peer-reviewed studies on the use of light for many conditions. |
On the membrane of cells in the body is an enzyme very good at absorbing light energy (cytochrome C oxidase), and this results in a release of nitric oxide along with improved oxygen supply to the tissues, better blood flow, and production of ATP, the body’s energy source. These things are all needed for efficient cell function and to prevent cells becoming “old”.
Blue light vs. Red light
- Blue light is useful for very superficial skin problems in the epidermis like acne.
- Red (visible) light is useful for the deeper dermis, and skin collagen production (anti-aging – ie. tightening up the skin and reducing fine lines and wrinkles). It is also helpful for treating the very superficial nerves which can cause a “peripheral neuropathy”, a change in sensation under the soles of the feet sometimes described as walking on crumpled socks, but it can also cause a persistent burning pain.
- Near infra-red light (invisible) is good for everything else – including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s which are terribly disabling and distressing conditions traditionally difficult to improve, and also for chronic musculoskeletal pain.
NIR light |
Examples of the red-light products our office has purchased and tested
Here are some conditions where people use NIR light:
Important information
Crucial for effective light therapy:
- Dose of light delivered (joules of energy)
- Power of the device (wattage)
- Treatment time (you can overdo light treatment and then you get a poorer result)
- Wavelength of light used (which determines red or near infrared light)
As well as from Flexbeam.
We also offer information about treating Parkinson’s at home, using nasal, gut and head near infra-red light.
Exciting news for Parkinson's patients! Read about some people's experiences.
symbyx & parkinsons.pdf | |
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